As I write this blog, Storm Hannah is battering the UK. While we are not taking the brunt of the storm, we could hear the rain and winds during the night, and I found myself lying there contemplating what damage to expect in the morning. Our local forecast had predicted winds strong enough to topple trees. We live surrounded by large sycamore and ash trees and while I was lying there, I imagined their lofty branches waving around. We decided to introduce ourselves to Storm Hannah and parked up at Godrevy car park. From there it is a short walk along a wooden boardwalk, through sand dunes to the sea. The reveal as you leave the sand dunes is exhilarating - it assaults all of your senses. The wind hits you, and you have to brace yourself to stay upright. Your skin feels its strength as the wind rips all heat from your body. It is filled with sea spray and smells so fresh. Your eyes drink in the view! From here, you can see
the golden sands of Hayle beach, St Ives Bay curling around to St Ives itself, clinging to the promontory, a few lights twinkling in the gloom. Above all you can hear the waves as they thunder to shore and it's then that you understand the meaning of white horses, as the waves charge relentlessly to the shore. The rocks stand firm against the onslaught and, as if in defiance the waves break into so many tiny pieces, creating lacey spray before it lands again with such force, like so many pieces of tinkling glass! You don't just see a storm, you feel it with every sense in your body!
